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When I donated time to create and maintain the first website for Citizens for Humane Action, I stopped by every week to take pictures of the new cats. I showed Phyllis a picture of a cute little gray cat, she fell in love with it, the the photo never got to the website. Instead, the little gray kitty came home. We called him Scampi.
He quickly took over all available chairs.
And the sinks.
He discovered Tangerine and Cheese, along with other people.
Look at that face! No wonder Phyllis wanted to bring him home.
There was one planter that he particularly liked so we put it on a high shelf where he couldn't possibly get to it. (Yes, that is the ceiling in the background.)
He became best friends with Tangerine and they occasionally allowed Cheese to play along. The other cats were OK, too.
Scampi loved boxes (sitting on them, not in them). Well, OK. Sometimes he sat in them.
He was a big fan of water and liked playing in the sink.
Occasionally he found a bug.
Sometimes he went with me to the office or the radio station.
And he seemed to like all the people he encountered.
Scampi always wanted to go somewhere and one he sneaked out at night and was sitting on the front step when I went out to get the newspaper.
Scampi was truly a one-of-a-kind cat.
Was that a cat I heard on WTVN's Tecnology Corner this morning?
"Is there some good reason WHY cats can't have talk shows
on the radio? It's easy. When the little light comes on, you talk.
I can do that!"
— The Shrimp, Scampi
I can imagine him telling Cheese and Tangerine, "Make sure you
listen and I'll talk to you over the magic box."
Note: "Magic box" is cattish for "radio". Sadly, cats have no word
for this in their vocabulary.
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